Jesus’ call to community

As we practice the way of Jesus, we need partners for the journey, a community to help us along the way. Jesus invites all who follow him to be a part of a new family. This family of God is not a social club or a group of friends who look, think, and talk similarly, but a community of apprentices following Jesus’ way of life. And despite the work it takes, the fights we will endure, and the learning we will do along the way, together we’re figuring out how to be with Jesus, become like him, and do what he did. Learn more at — Director of Photography: Jorge Cuevas Jr.

Community: Jesus’ Call to Community

John Mark Comer | July 14, 2019

Part 1 from the series “Community”, as part of Practicing the Way. We kick off our summer practice with a teaching on the fallout of individualism in the Western world – loneliness, and its dark twin: tribalism. Is there a practice from the way of Jesus that would set us up to live in a rich web of relationships where we grow and mature into Christlikeness? Yes, it’s community, Jesus’ school of love.

Click HERE for the audio message.

Community: One of Jesus’ Most Radical Ideas: Family

John Mark Comer | July 22, 2019

Part 2 from the series “Community”, as part of Practicing the Way. Jesus likened his community to a family. At first this sounds nice and even sentimental, but this was actually one of Jesus’ most radical ideas, one that got him killed. It was radical in the first century, and it’s just as radical in the 21st century. In this teaching we discover why.

Click HERE for the audio message.

Community: A Community of Honor in a Culture of Contempt

John Mark Comer | July 28, 2019

Part 3 from the series “Community”, as part of Practicing the Way. For most Westerners, honor is a foreign concept. Ours is a culture of sarcasm, irreverence, ungrateful entitlement, of “othering” – a culture of contempt. In this teaching we explore Paul’s command to “honor one another above yourselves,” and just how life-changing (and life-bringing) it could be for our community.

Click HERE for the audio message.